Research Group in Global Analysis and Applications

Prof. RNDr. Demeter Krupka, DrSc. photo

Position:Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
Address:Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering
School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
La Trobe University, Bundoora, 3086 Victoria, Australia
Honorary Position:IAS Distinguished Fellow, La Trobe University, Melbourne,


  1. D. Krupka and I. Horová; V.M. Alexejev, V.M. Tichomirov and S.V. Fomin, Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes (translation from Russian to Czech), Academia, Praha, 1991.
  2. D. Krupka and I. Horová; V.M. Alexejev, E.M. Galejev and V.M. Tichomirov, Problems in Optimization Theory (translation from Russian to Czech), 1988, unpublished.