13th International Summer School on

Global Analysis and Applications

Levoča, Slovakia, June 23—27, 2008


Travel information

Currency:Slovak crown (SKK)
Exchange rate (February 8, 2008): 1 Eur = 33,55 SKK, 1 USD = 23,20 SKK

Airports:Airport Poprad Tatrywww.airport-poprad.sk25 km to Levoca by taxi
Airport Košicewww.airportkosice.sk90 km to Levoca by bus or by train
Airport Krakow (Poland)www.lotnisko-balice.pl185 km to Levoca by bus or by train
Airport Bratislavawww.airportbratislava.sk400 km to Levoca by bus or by train
Airport Viennawww.viennaairport.com500 km to Levoca by bus or by train

If you need to use train it is necessary to change in Poprad or Spiska Nova Ves and continue to Levoča by bus or taxi.

Trains:EC/IC Trains:Route Prague—Kosice
Route Bratislava—Kosice
Route Vienna—Kosice

Nearest train stations: Poprad (25 km from Levoca), Spisska Nova Ves (10 km from Levoca)

Buses and Taxi: From Poprad or Spisska Nova Ves to Levoca you can use local buses but we recommend taxi:
Taxi from Poprad:1000 SKK
Taxi from Spisska Nova Ves:300 SKK

For Slovakian travel information, see here
If you need help with local travel information do not hesitate to contact olga.krupkova(at)seznam(dot)cz